Holonix will take part in Euromaintenance 2024 and will not be alone: its partner Atlantis Engineering, a company with great expertise in the maintenance field, will keep it company. Itinerant since 1972, this year the event will take place inside the Rimini Palacongressi from 16 to 18 September and among the main topics we find digitalisation, infrastructure, security, sustainability, transport, services and distributions, all obviously connected by a common theme, maintenance.

Holonix and Atlantis Engineering

Holonix and Atlantis Engineering have decided to embark on a common path, which has as its ultimate goal the implementation and dissemination of technological tools and a digital culture that allow the setting up of new business models. The joint participation in Euromaintenance 2024 represents not only the fulcrum of a solid collaboration but also the thought that unites both realities: transforming the future of maintenance 4.0, a concept that inspired stand no. 128.

“Together to transform maintenance 4.0”

Thanks to the close sharing and union of ideas, knowledge and skills, Holonix and Atlantis Engineering highlight a real synergy, which allows us to achieve a common goal: to present to the market a cutting-edge solution for the management of maintenance within company processes. The main focus is to highlight the importance and usefulness of digital technologies in the factory, tools that enable a new methodology to guide the company towards a better controlled, efficient and competitive activity. Inside the stand there will be the core product of Holonix, i-Live Machines and the solutions of Atlantis Engineering, AIMMS and Sibyl. The European project Modul4r (G.A. 101091859) will also be presented and promoted. click here to read the press release!