Who are we?
We are a Spin-off company of Politecnico di Milano
In a single reality, the perfect combination of application research activities, solid know-how and the creation of business solutions.
We are members of UCIMU, Federmacchine, UCIMA, and IBM business partner.
What do we do?
We create products and services tailored for SMEs
“Internet of Things” and “Augmented Intelligence” technologies and software products. Knowledge and tools of “Augmented Intelligence” for small and medium industrial excellence.
Who are we addressing?
Italian SMEs
SMEs operating in the manufacturing sector, wanting to make their work more efficient and increase their competitiveness.
We co-operate on a daily basis with companies aiming to achieve the benefits of the Industry 4.0.
Our offer always combines innovationand high added value
We unlock the potential of your data
"Augmented Intelligence'' software products
To strengthen your business and make your machines competitive, it is essential to be able to collaborate in complete safety with customers and partners, remotely monitoring your fleet of machines to know its real use, predicting critical issues and improving the perceived level of serciving.
Real experiences in technologies and products for the Internet of Things and Augmented Intelligence.
to understand how technology can match your business.
Modular, progressive and customized operations for your industrial reality. To get to know the technologies of the Smart Industry, Design their optimal usein your own reality,Implementwith them the innovation of your processes, products and business models
We participate in research activities
in European projects with sector leaders
Research and Development at Holonix
Since its creation, Holonix has been co-operating with prestigious leaders of different industries within various European Research Projects , to test the most innovative and technological methodologies and IoT solutions dedicated to the world of Manufacturingand much more.
From research to field implementation
Starting from applied research activities, we created our range of products and services available on the industrial market, aimed at SMEs without a direct access to the most advanced research, but which can thus make good use of new technologies.
News and events
from the world of Holonix
Discover the latest trends on new Technologies, Augmented Intelligence tools, digitization and Smart Industry.
21 March 2025
Holonix speaker all’evento “Verso una Nuova Era Legislativa” di Federmacchine
Venerdì 28 marzo alle ore 14.00, Holonix parteciperà in qualità di speaker all’evento online "Verso una nuova era…
18 March 2025
Parliamo di servitizzazione: vi aspettiamo giovedì 20 marzo al KM Rosso Bergamo
Giovedì 20 marzo dalle ore 9.15 vi aspettiamo al KM Rosso di Bergamo per partecipare all’evento “Convegno…
10 March 2025
Data Spaces Symposium 2025: Holonix’s participation
Holonix is pleased to take part in the “Data Spaces Symposium 2025” event, which will be held from Tuesday, March…
7 March 2025
Ottimizzazione degli Asset Industriali e strategie integrate: Holonix al Convegno “Servitizzazione”
Il prossimo 20 marzo, presso il prestigioso Kilometro Rosso di Bergamo, Holonix prenderà parte al Convegno…
20 February 2025
La concreta applicazione del piano Transizione 5.0: un caso di successo e una guida pratica degli incentivi 5.0 al webinar del 25 febbraio
Stiamo organizzando il prossimo webinar che si terrà il 6 maggio! Le iscrizioni apriranno a breve! ---- --------…
12 February 2025
Consumi energetici sotto controllo con sistemi IoT: un webinar con Holonix
Martedì 25 febbraio alle ore 11.00 non perderti il nostro webinar “Consumi energetici sotto controllo con sistemi IoT:…
10 January 2025
Syxis al Core Innovation Days per parlare, insieme ad Holonix, dell’Industria del futuro
Il 15 e il 16 gennaio 2025 si svolgerà il Core Innovation Days, la prima conferenza internazionale sull'Industria 4.0…
19 December 2024
🎅🌲 Auguri da HOLONIX 🌲🎅
Carissimi, con l’arrivo delle festività, desideriamo condividere con voi un messaggio di collaborazione e……
4 October 2024
A 34.BI-MU debutta MACHINERY-X: il Data Space per la macchina utensile
Il 10 ottobre 2024, dalle 12:00 alle 12:55 presso l’area BI-MUpiù (Padiglione 11, Stand F26), avrà luogo l’evento “Data…